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Fraserview Recognized For Environmental Stewardship

Fraserview Golf Course has reached a big milestone with the announcement of its 20-year successful certification as an Audubon International Cooperative Sanctuary...

This recognition comes from a commitment to environmental stewardship and maintaining a comprehensive environmental management program. This program focuses on wildlife and habitat management, water conservation, resource management, outreach and education.

“Fraserview boasts a long history of ecological significance. The golf course serves as a vital urban greenspace, fostering biodiversity and providing habitats for diverse wildlife,” said Dennis Luick, Supervisor of Golf Operations, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation.

“We are honoured to be recognized as leaders in environmental stewardship with this esteemed designation. This recognition affirms our ongoing commitment to environmental management at Fraserview and our other golf courses.”


Supervisor of Golf Operations, Dennis Luick sees the course as a "vital urban greenspace"


Achieving certification in the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program (ACSP) for Golf Courses requires maintaining high environmental standards in areas such as Environmental Planning, Wildlife & Habitat Management, Outreach and Education, Chemical Use Reduction and Safety, Water Conservation, and Water Quality Management. To maintain the designation, courses must undergo recertification every three years.

Through participation in the ACSP for Golf, Fraserview Golf Course has been involved in numerous environmental projects, including energy conservation, water use reduction, integrated pest management, naturalization of areas, and responsible resource management.

"We're very proud to count Fraserview Golf Course among our members," said Christine Kane, CEO at Audubon International. "They made environmentally sustainable golf course management an integral part of their operating principles long before it became an accepted option. Their leadership has already brought many benefits to their community over the past 20 years and will continue to do so long into the future."

Fraserview is one of approximately 750 courses worldwide certified as an ACSP for golf courses. The Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation’s other championship golf courses, Langara and McCleery, also hold this distinguished certification, a status achieved by less than five percent of BC golf courses.

Find out more about Fraserview GC HERE

About Audubon International
Audubon International is a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to helping create environmentally sustainable environments where people live, work, and play. In addition to golf courses, Audubon International also provides certification programs for businesses, hotels, communities, and new developments. Find out more about Audubon International HERE